Achievements |
Major Achievements during last 5
A) Construction of building with specifications of desired category of statutes and an ambience
worthy of a college campus to come up as a centre of excellence.
B) Created a team of motivated and self driven teaching and non-teaching staff.
C) Development of a well stocked computerized library with quality collection, state of the Arts of
Science lab and computer lab, Educational Technology tools etc.
D) Strong student support system, launch of college website, digitization of entire office record etc.
E) Establishment of partner Institute of IGNOU under convergence scheme.
F) Achievement of ISO 9001-2000 certification.
G) Establishment of IQAC (Internal Quality Assurance Cell) in the college for total quality sustenance.
H) Transparent Internal Assessment Mechanism.
Our college has adopted two villages namely, Ballian and Khrooni. During festivals or
some special occasions, our college conducts different activities with the villagers like:-
A) Plantation Drive
B) Cleanliness
C) Teaching of Yoga etc.
And various awareness programmes i.e Importance of voting, Gender equality, Consumer
Right & Road safety.
Gems of College |
Ashok Kumar
S/o Sh. Ram Kumar
70.9% |
Abha Kumari
D/o Sh. Binod Chaudhary
72.3% |
Charvi Kalsotra
D/o Sh. Dewakar Gupta
74.43 % |
Vanshika Dubey
D/o Rajeev Dubey
73.86 % |
Kamia Sharma
D/o Kuldeep Kumar
73.30 % |
D/o Jagdish Lal
70.3% |
Km Ragani
D/o Sh. Kedar Singh
71% |
Ist position holder receiving token of appreciation
from chief guest on Annual day celebration |